What is Soaking? Is Mormon “Soaking” Sex a Real Thing?

Why is a Mormon Practice?
The reason why soaking is a very common Mormon practice is because pre-marital sex is totally prohibited in that religion and considered sinful. So young Mormons have found this “loophole” to ease their needs without committing a fault.
Why Can’t Mormons Have Sex Before Marriage?
Pre-marital sex is extremely prohibited, and it’s not the only banned practice. Watching porn, masturbating and “overtly sexual” kissing, dancing or touching outside marriage are also not allowed. The leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) teach that gender is defined in premortal life, and that part of the purpose of mortal life is for men and women to be sealed together in heterosexual marriages, progress eternally after death as gods together, and produce spiritual children in the afterlife. In this religion, the law of chastity is required for baptism.
What is Soaking? Is Mormon “Soaking” Sex a Real Thing? was originally published on My Sex Bio’s blog on April 04, 2024
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